What Is A Whole Foods Detox?

Let’s start off by talking about what a whole foods detox isn’t. It isn’t a time where you have to go hungry, “hangry,” count calories or stop eating delicious foods. It is however a time to give your body a rest and let it work on cleaning out the toxins and other things that have been building up in your body.

By definition, a detox is a process by which the body gets rid of poisonous substances. When you think of detoxing different things may come into your mind such as detoxing from alcohol or drugs, but we’re talking about a whole foods detox, a.k.a a “cleanse.”

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Give Your Body a Break

Your body is constantly detoxing itself from the foods you are putting into your body every day. Just think about all the processes your body needs just to keep you going. Did you know that too much sugar in your bloodstream can kill you? But it doesn’t, because the hormone insulin tells your cells to open up and fuel them with the sugar also known as glucose. When the cells don’t need any more “fuel” it tells your body to store it as fat.

Your body fat is really good at storing things, and this includes toxins that your body is unable to get rid of. Give your body a break from its regular “hustle and grind” of continuously breaking down, digesting, and getting rid of waste from your body. When your body isn’t in the “hustle and grind” mode, it can start working on repairing your body by getting rid of those toxins stored in your body fat.

What’s The Difference Between a Whole Foods Detox and a Cleanse?

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Difference Between whole foods Detox and a cleanse

A lot of people use these terms interchangeably. I’m one of those people because either way you look at it you’re cleansing toxins and other unwanted things from your body.

Some people consider a cleanse a way to clean up your body. Whatever you want to call it is fine as long as your ridding your body of toxins and clean up your eating habits at the same time.

Where Do The Toxins Come From?

Get rid of the toxins around you
with a whole foods Detox

They are all around us and get into our bodies in many ways. They can enter our bodies in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and what we expose our skin to.

We may not have much control over what we breathe unless you’re a smoker or a vapor. But we do have control over what we eat, drink and put on our skin.

Toxic Thoughts

Getting rid of Toxic thoughts and ideas is more important than a whole foods detox

It’s not just about the food. Toxic thoughts are actually more toxic than any physical toxins coming from outside of your body. Even if you try not to let any toxic thoughts in you may have them subconsciously. Try some of these to get rid of toxic thoughts.

  • Practice gratitude-Try writing down what you’re grateful for everyday
  • Play uplifting music-Listen to uplifting music during various times of the day
  • Practice deep breathing-Try setting an alarm at different times of the day (breath in for 5 seconds, hold for 2 and exhale for 5)
  • Try a media detox-The news will be there tomorrow and the next day. Try staying off of social media for a period of time (you can do it!)
  • Remove toxic people from your life-This is not always easy. If you can’t totally eliminate them reduce the time you spend with them

How Do We Get Rid of Toxins?

Detoxification mainly happens in the liver

Our bodies are amazing detoxifiers. They are constantly getting rid of toxins so our bodies can survive. Toxins are removed from our bodies through exhaling, sweating, pooping, and peeing. But our bodies can get overloaded with toxins and some remain and accumulate in our bodies.

There are two kinds of toxins that we ingest. Some are easier to get out of our bodies than the other types. These are water-soluble toxins and fat-soluble toxins.

Water-soluble toxins dissolve in our bodily fluids and are flushed out of the body in the blood, skin, and urine. Fat-soluble toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives, food additives, pollutants, plastics, and other environmental chemicals need to become water-soluble in order for them to be fully eliminated from the body.

Detoxification happens mostly in the liver, but if our detox pathways and digestive system are not functioning at the peak, the toxins get stored in the liver, fat cells, joints, muscles, bone marrow, tissues, and the brain where they can be stored for a very long time.

How Do Know I Need a Whole Foods Detox?

Lack of energy is a sign that it's time to have a whole foods detox

A few signs of needing a detox are:

We live in an increasingly hectic and toxic world, and taking time for high-level self-care like a detox can make a huge difference in your energy, mood, and even your body shape.

Time For a Whole Foods Detox!

Time to have a whole foods detox

There are many ways to detox your body. Here are good ways to start.

  • Seasonal Whole Foods Detox (Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall)
  • Eat a clean diet (whole foods, ditch the processed foods)
  • Chose organic (say no to pesticides and herbicides)
  • Eat the rainbow (reduces free radicals ad increases the foods that promote detoxification)
  • Sleep (listen to your body and give it what it needs)
  • Exercise
  • Drink lots of water
  • Spend time in nature
  • Open your windows
  • Have plants inside your house
  • Skin Brush
  • Reduce the chemicals you put in your body (read the labels first)
  • Reduce the chemicals you put on your body (read those toltetrees first before putting the on your body)
  • Green clean using less toxic chemicals (try using vinegar, lemon juice, ect…)
  • Ditch the teflon pots anbd pans
  • Pitch the plastics (even if they’re BPA free, they still leach chemicals)

Join Our Next Seasonal Detox and Push The Reset Button of Your Eating Habits

When you’re done and you push the reset button on your eating habits you will:

Seasonal Whole Foods Detoxes
  • Have much more energy!
  • Lose weight
  • Your sweet cravings will dissipate
  • Foods will taste so much better
  • Establish healthier eating habits
  • Sense of accomplishment

Don’t do it alone. Join other women and men pushing the reset button and detoxing their bodies. It’s so much more fun when you do it with others. Cheer each other on! You and your body deserve to be healthy. If you have your health you have EVERYTHING!

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What Is A Whole Foods Detox?


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