Help Kids Get Better Sleep: Try These 9 Sleep Hacks

Help Kids Get Better Sleep: Try These 9 Sleep Hacks

When our children get enough quality sleep we all win on so many levels. They are happier, healthier, make better choices, have less meltdowns, are more focused and have less behavioral problems at school. So how can we help our kids get better sleep? When our kids get better sleep we feel happier and it helps us feel like we’re pretty good at this parenting thing (virtual high-5 Mom and Dad). Sleep satiated children reduce our stress levels and also has the potential to give us more time to ourselves. I don’t know about you but I’ll take all the…
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Black Seed Oil Health Benefits: New Cure All?

Black Seed Oil Health Benefits: New Cure All?

I have one thing to say to you he whispered in my ear “Black Seed Oil.” Sexy or creepy? In this case definitely creepy because it came from someone I hardly knew. The creepy factor was well worth it because it made me ask the question, what is black seed oil and what are the health benefits? This led to my personal discovery of Black Seed Oil or Black Cumin Oil which has been called the new “Miracle Oil.” Need More Energy? What Is Black Seed Oil? Black seed oil is extracted from black cumin seeds also known as Nigella…
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Pros and Cons of Having a Baby after 40

Pros and Cons of Having a Baby after 40

I always knew that I would have kids and that was a non-negotiable area of my life. But somehow that was pushed to the back of my priority list and my career and having fun took the front and center. What I didn't think about were the many pros and cons of having a baby after 40. That’s what you get when you live your life on “autopilot.” I also thought that I had plenty of time and that age wasn’t an issue, if I only would have listened to my Mom (or not, keep reading).   My non cognitive thinking…
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Positive Morning Routines To Take Control of Your Life

Positive Morning Routines To Take Control of Your Life

I’m sure you’ve had one or many of those crazy mornings. You know the ones. The mornings when you end up reacting to the morning instead of controlling it. Positive morning routines can eliminate this loss of control that throws you off your “game” for the rest of the day. Use positive morning routines and it will help you take control of your day and youe life. Try some or all of these positive morning routines. You'll soon see how it leads to taking control of your day. Not only your day, but your week your month, your year and…
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Things I Never Thought I Would Say Until I Became a Mom

Things I Never Thought I Would Say Until I Became a Mom

PROVEN STRATEGIES FOR GAINING MORE ENERGY THROUGHOUT THE DAY There are so many things I never thought I would say until I became a Mom. This is just one of the joys of parenting they don't prepare you for in parenting books. You've heard the expression out of the mouth of babes? We all know young kids don't have the "filters" that most of us "adults" have when we speak. So what about out of the mouth of parents? I find having a morning routine gets me prepared and in the right mindset to deal with these "challenging times" Here…
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7 Energy Giving Foods That  Give You Less Belly Fat

7 Energy Giving Foods That Give You Less Belly Fat

Can you say win, win? Energy giving foods that also give you less belly fat. Oh yea! Energy giving foods with less belly fat, sound too good to be true? Maybe, but if you watch what you’re buying and how you're preparing the foods it's definitely possible. Proven Strategies To Gain More Energy Throughout The Day 1.     Bananas Are high in vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber, they have minerals, good carbs and potassium which increases your metabolism. This means your body burns energy including fat from food at a faster rate. According to the USDA one medium sized banana…
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Immune System Boosters For a Healthier You

Immune System Boosters For a Healthier You

Social distancing and self quarantining is not enough to protect you against an invisible virus or bad bacteria. Use these immune system boosters to boost your immune system NOW! If you have a strong immune system you will significantly reduce your chances of getting sick from a viral or bacterial infections. It is more important than ever to boost your immune system. Whether you're reading this during the COVID19 pandemic, another health emergency or any other time, using immune system boosters is one of the best things you can do for your health. PROVEN STRATEGIES FOR GAINING MORE ENERGY THROUGHOUT…
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Simple Things You Can Do To Live To 100 Years Old

Simple Things You Can Do To Live To 100 Years Old

The first question you need to ask yourself is "do you really want to live to 100?" A lot of people have a mental picture in their heads of a frail, helpless, burdensome person. Imagine being healthy and happy at 100. Think of all that additional time you will have with your family. Imagine where you could go, what you could do and how much more you can accomplish in life with an additional 20-30 years. PROVEN STRATEGIES FOR GAINING MORE ENERGY THROUGHOUT THE DAY Get Rid of That Picture In Your Head Are you one of the people who…
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Top 5 Oxygen Producing House Plants

Top 5 Oxygen Producing House Plants

Bringing in one of these top 5 high oxygen producing house plants into our homes is an easy way to increase the oxygen levels in our bodies. We all know we can't live without oxygen. But we may not realize how important it is to get high quality oxygen to all parts of our bodies so we function at optimal levels and live longer. More oxygen means more energy! PROVEN STRATEGIES FOR GAINING MORE ENERGY THROUGH THE DAY Depending on where you live you may not have the cleanest outside air to breath. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do…
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Extending Health Span: 7 Things You Need To Do Today

Extending Health Span: 7 Things You Need To Do Today

I'm sure you've heard the term life span. It's basically from the day you're born to the day you die. But have you heard of health span? It's a thing! And extending your health span is the key to living a happy life. A lot of people say I don't want to live that long (insert a high number here-80, 90, 100, 110). That's because they visualize what other people they know look and act like at those ages. I'm sure you've seen someone in their 80's who still live by themselves and is self sufficient. You've also seen 80…
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